Friday, January 25, 2008

Turning colors

The most common cause of fingernails that suddenly take on an unhealthy tinge is some type of fungal infection. Both yeast infections and bacterial infections can easily be picked up at an unsanitary nail salon-usually caused by the use of unsterilized tools. "A yeast infection can cause the nail to sperate from the underlying skin," says Kleinsmith. "The nail can start lifting up and a crumbly, white fungus can appar underneath it."
A bacterial infection can cause the affected nail to turn slightly green. And getting too vigorous with the cuticle pusher or nippers can lead to either a yeast or bacterial infection in the lcuticle surounding the nail. "If you notice sudden swelling or pain in the cuticles a day or two after a manicure, see a doctor to get on antibiotics," she recommends.

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